Answers to frequently asked questions
1. Use the program
1.1. How to navigate through drawings? It doesn't fit on my screen!
You can move your drawings by holding down the left mouse button in any empty area and moving the mouse itself. In addition, you can navigate through the blueprints using the arrows on your keyboard or the arrows in the lower right corner of the screen.
1.2. Can't draw anything but walls. Where is everything else?
All the program tools are divided into planning sheets, between which you can switch. The tools are in a drop-down menu at the top left of the screen.
1.3. How not to lose my project if I turn off my computer or close the browser?
To save the project, it is enough to register once, after which you can save the project to the server through the floppy disk icon in the upper left corner. Registration is absolutely free and has no time limit.
1.4. Is it possible to download the program to the computer?
Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. The planner exists only as an online service on the website, which allows you to keep the program updated and store all drawings in a single data format. For the correct operation of the program, you must have a stable Internet connection and a sufficient amount of free RAM on your computer.
1.5. I have registered but did not receive a confirmation email. What to do?
In this case, just send a request to technical support and we will activate your account manually within 24 hours.
2. Drawing the initial plan
2.1. How to set the white color of floor?
To do this, you need to connect all the walls (a white fill of the area will appear), otherwise, the program will not determine the desired zone as a separate room. Only then door or window openings are inserted on top of the walls. If the fill does not appear - check if the walls/partitions overlap each other - they should adjoin, but not overlap.
2.2. Is it possible to set walls with exact dimensions, instead of drawing them?
You can draw a wall of any arbitrary length, and then in the properties of that wall (by right-clicking on it), you can set its exact size. The only condition is that at least one end of the wall must be free. You can adjust the size with millimeter precision by double-clicking on the wall node and moving it using the arrows that appear.
2.3. How to remove a wall or change its parameters?
Any actions with walls (as well as with other elements in the drawings) are performed by right-clicking on this element. In response to a click, the context menu of this element will appear, in which you can perform any actions available for the picked element.
2.4. How to change the thickness of the walls?
In order to set the thickness - before drawing the line of the wall, specify the value in centimeters in the menu on the left. The thickness is specified as integer values in centimeters. To change the thickness of an already drawn wall, call the context menu on it with the right mouse button. In the menu that appears, you can either set the value directly, or, for for more precise change control, click on the "Actions - Adjust Thickness" icon, which allows you to increase or decrease the thickness separately on each side of the wall. If you do not have these options, you are probably working in a project created in the old version of the planner (2.2), where you cannot change the wall thickness.
2.5. How to set the height of walls/ceilings?
Ceiling heights are specified in the app on the Rooms sheet along with the names of the rooms. Right-click (or double-left-click) the question marks on the sheet to assign the room's height along with the room's name. In the current version of the planner, only the total height of all rooms can be set. You cannot set the height of individual walls and partitions. At the same time, on the Ceilings sheet, you can set the amount of lowering of the ceiling finish for each room separately, depending on the type of finish.
2.6. How to set the size of an element in millimetres?
You can change the measurement units—millimeters, centimeters, inches—in the menu on the bottom panel.
2.7. How can I manually change the distance that the program gives me out?
This possibility is not provided in our planner. It is impossible to set another value of dimensions in the program.
2.8. How to set a door or a window?
Windows are in the toolbar on the "Initial plan" sheet, doors are in the toolbar on the "Initial plan" or "Partitions" sheets (depending on where you want to install the door). To install a door or window opening on the drawing, it is necessary to place it strictly OVER the drawn wall. Do not leave "holes" between the walls for openings, otherwise, you will not be able to put a door or window there.
2.9. How to change the side of the door opening?
Install the door on top of the wall in the necessary place, then right-click to bring up the context menu, which has a rotation icon. Select the desired opening direction by clicking on the icon.
2.10. How to resize a door/window?
To move door and window openings, as well as to change their size or opening side - right-click on the desired opening (exactly on the sheet on which this opening was installed), and select the action you need in the context menu that appears. If the program does not allow you to change the size - most likely the input size is larger than the wall in which this opening is installed.
2.11. How to add partition walls to the plan?
Please pay attention that on the initial plan should be shown only the initial walls that have already been erected in your apartment. There is a separate planning sheet "Partitions" for drawing newly erected partition walls.
2.12. Can I upload a picture of my layout to the program?
Especially for this purpose, we have added the "Draw a plan from a picture" function on the "Initial plan" sheet (at the bottom of the working window). Download the TIB plan, the layout from the developer or any other image and follow the instructions. The main thing is that your layout should indicate the area of rooms or the dimensions of the walls for the correct scaling of the picture.
2.13. Is it possible to draw semicircular walls in this program?
Unfortunately, there is no such possibility in our planner now. Perhaps this option will appear in future versions of the program.
3. Arrangement of furniture and power sockets
3.1. How to resize pieces of furniture?
When adding new items before placing them on the drawing, you can enter the necessary size in the small menu that appears. When editing already installed items, you need to open the context menu with the right mouse button, in which you can change the size.
3.2. How to resize pieces of furniture or rotate them?
When adding new items before placing them on the drawing, you can enter the exact size in the small menu that appears. When editing already installed items, you need to call the context menu by right-clicking the mouse, in which you can resize, rotate or mirror them. After clicking on the rotation icon, you need to drag one of the corner markers with the left mouse button.
3.3. How to copy pieces of furniture?
To copy, you can use the context menu, or select the item with the left mouse button and press Ctrl-C.
3.4. How to select and move a group of furniture items?
In order to select a group of objects, you need to hold down the Ctrl key and select the desired objects sequentially, or use the special “Select group” tool (located on the bottom panel), which will allow you to select the group with a frame.
3.5. Can I add my own item to the drawings if it is absent in the tools?
Arbitrary pieces of furniture cannot be added, but you can always make a request to the technical support team to add a specific item. Usually, if there are multiple identical requests, we add the corresponding element to the toolbar. However, you can always use any suitable object from the catalog to represent what you need and provide a comment for it. Alternatively, you can draw it using the "Draw Element" function (located on the bottom panel), but the drawn item will only be displayed in 2D.
3.6. How to set the power sockets height from the floor?
The heights of power sockets and other elements that require such markings are set via the context menu. Put the socket in the right place, then right-click on it. In the menu that appears - specify the height.
3.7. How to indicate on a drawing a socket that is located above another socket?
To place an socket/switch above another switch or socket, you need to bring the object being placed to the installed socket/switch a little “above” it. The object will be magnetized with a “second layer”.
4. Technical plan
4.1. I need to match two flooring types in a room. Is it possible?
Yes. To create multiple floor coverings in one room, you need to divide that room into zones using the zoning tool on the "Floor Coverings" sheet.
4.2. After changing the layout on the partition plan - all the decoration was gone. Why?
All technical sheets are linked to the rooms that you create on the initial plan and partition plan. If you change at least one wall when draughting - all information about the previous set of rooms will be erased. Therefore, decide on the construction of the rooms first, and only then fill out the technical sheets.
4.3. Is it possible to set a specific tile size to show its layout?
The layout can be specified through the context menu of the already installed covering on the "Floor Coverings" sheet. A separate tool indicates the starting point for the installation. To set different laying directions for the same floor coverings in different rooms, you must specify a separate starting point for each of them.
4.4. What is zoning and how does it work? Why do the different sheets have different zoning?
The zoning tool is designed to delineate a space into zones for the subsequent calculation of these zones as separate rooms. Zoning is implemented on the Partition sheets (for dividing into rooms), Floor Coverings (zoning of floors for selecting heterogeneous finishes), Ceilings (zoning of ceilings for different finishes and assigning various ceiling drop values), and Wall Finishing (through combined finishes). Zoning on each of these sheets operates independently of the others. The zoning line (except for zoning wall finishes) can be configured in any shape. To create zoning, select the corresponding tool in the menu on the left, move the cursor to the wall—a green circle will appear. Press and drag the zoning line—the segment can be stretched in a straight line to another wall or configured as a complex line of several connected segments. The zoning line must not intersect other walls, partitions, columns, or boxes.
4.5. Does the program have a development drawing of the wall and wall zoning (for example, to designate a kitchen backsplash)?
Unfortunately, the functionality of wall layouts is not implemented in the program yet. To zone the wall finish, set the required finish on the wall in sections, including combined (apron or with horizontal division). In the case of combined finishes, additional parameters (finish heights) can be set via the context menu after installation. In 3D, you can set a texture for the finish installed on the Wall Finish sheet. This functionality is available in the PRO version.
5. PRO-version
5.1. Is there a PRO-version trial for one day?
So far, there is no such option in the tariff scale. The PRO-version can be activated for 30, 99 or 365 days.
5.2. Will my money be automatically debited at the end of the current license term?
No, an extension of payment is carried out exclusively manually. We do not store card data and do not auto-debit funds at the end of the paid period.
5.3. Will new items appear in the furniture catalogue after purchasing the PRO-version?
No new items will be added, but those labelled with the "pro" marker will become available. If you have not found the object you need, write to the technical support. We will gratefully accept your wishes and try to take them into account in the next update.
5.4. What features does the PRO-version provide?
First of all, it allows you to access objects and tools labelled with a "pro" marker in 2D, as well as the ability to upload drawings in pdf format, access to the "Volumes and footage" and "Estimate" sections. In addition, after drawing the layout, you can see its 3D visualization and apply textures from the presented catalogue to its elements (walls, furniture, etc.).
5.5. What do drawings look like when downloaded from this program to PDF?
During development, we tried to ensure that when you upload, you get exactly what you see on your screen. When generating a PDF, only a standard drawing stamp and frame will appear in the download. An example of a drawing you can see at the link
5.7. Will my drawings created during the activated PRO-version period still be available after it ends?
Yes, all drawings and elements on them will be available, there are no restrictions on their viewing, use, or storage duration, but the ability to add new "pro" elements to the drawing, as well as using other PRO features such as 3D visualization and exporting drawings in .PDF format, will be lost.
5.8. I want to display my symbols and elements in the drawing. Can I do this using PRO-version?
Yes, the planner has a free drawing tool - "Draw element" - it is located at the bottom right of the workspace. Note, however, that the drawing result is displayed only on the current sheet. With this tool, you can only draw straight lines, including connected in series, but the arc can only be drawn using a few short segments. Also, the drawing result is not displayed in 3D.
5.9. How to navigate in 3D mode?
To rotate the camera around the axis, use the left mouse button held down, to move the camera longitudinally, use the left mouse button held down. To zoom in and out - use the mouse wheel. You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move. For room-by-room viewing - select a room by clicking on the diagram at the bottom right (clicking again will return the display of the entire layout). The toolbar on the left also has an option to display walls up to one meter in slice mode, which can be convenient in some cases.
5.10. How to download 3D visualization?
In 3D mode, set the camera to the desired angle and select "Save image" in the toolbar on the left - the picture will be saved to the download folder of your browser.
5.11. Is it possible to draw an electrical plan in your program?
Yes, the planner has a Wiring sheet, where by drawing lines on the drawing you can designate the main electrical lines, the calculation in the estimate is carried out according to them. For a correct calculation, it is necessary to install an electrical panel, light and electrical points - the cable footage will be calculated taking into account the rises to them.
5.12. How does the "Connecting Wire" tool work on the "Switches" sheet?
A connecting wire is needed to visualize the order in which the lighting fixtures are connected to each other in a circuit and to bring their control to a specific switch. To connect, select the tool and successively click on the switch and the light source - a connection line will appear between them. Several light sources can be connected in a chain and connected to one switch. If the switch is double, then two such circuits can be connected to it (or just two different lighting fixtures). Alternate switches allow you to control one light source from different parts of the room (for example, to control the light in the corridor with two switches installed at its beginning and end).
6. Options
6.1. How to print a project or save it to the computer?
To save the drawings and be able to print them, you need to download the pdf-album in the appropriate section located on the top left of the screen (arrow icon). This feature is only available to users of the PRO-version of the program.
6.2. How many times can I create an album with drawings for printing?
We have no restrictions on the number of generations of pdf albums.
6.3. What is the PRO-version for and what does it give?
The PRO-version of the planner provides a lot of additional features like tools for 3D visualization of drawings, calculation of estimates, volumes and footage, pdf album printing and many other functions. You can find a detailed description of all the possibilities on corresponding page on the website .
6.4. What program can be used to open the downloaded .PLAN file?
.plan is an exclusively internal planner format for easy storage and exchange of data between users and devices. That is, you can open it only in the planner by loading it through the arrow icon into a new one or replacing the old project. Also, thanks to this function, you can download the layout if for some reason you are unable to save it to the server, so that later you can download it when the connection is established.
6.5. How to copy a project?
To do this, log into your account by clicking on your email in the top left corner (you must be registered), where at the bottom of the project list you will find the "Create new project" button. To copy, click on the "Create copy" icon next to the desired project in your account. You can create a copy of the layout within the project in the PRO version through the "Layouts" menu in the top right corner directly in the open project.
6.6. How to combine all project data on one sheet?
There is no such possibility. The information on the sheets is distributed strictly according to its purpose, as it is established in construction documents.
6.7. How to share a project?
If you have the PRO version, then for each project you have access to viewing and editing links that you can share with any other person. In this case, he will not need registration to view or edit - the drawing will simply open via a direct link. To get such links, you need to open the project menu (by clicking on your email in the upper left corner) and click on the gear icon opposite the desired project. If you do not have the PRO version - you can send your project as an upload in .plan format - to open it, the person to whom you send this file must be registered in the planner. The file is loaded into a new or over the old project through the icon with an arrow ("Load .plan file" function).
6.8. What keys can be used to control the project from the keyboard?
To move furniture objects or wall edges precisely, you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard - this will allow you to move an object or marker with millimeter accuracy. To copy furniture items, you can use the CTRL+C combination, after selecting the object. Similarly, you can delete selected objects using the DEL key. To enable and disable full-screen mode in most browsers, press the F11 key.